Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Wish List

Happy December! I can't tell you how much I love the month of December. Not because of the snow and cold or how short the days seem to be but because I am a fool for Christmas! Let me tell you that if we were in our house already it would look like a Christmas wonderland! Our decorations would have gone up the weekend after Thanksgiving and I would be blasting the Christmas music like it was going outta style! And I sure hope that soon we can do that. Anyways, this year Mike and I have decided to only buy each other one or two very small reasonably priced items. i.e. we poured boat loads of money into our reno plus still have a wedding to pay for  so lets be reasonable oooh kay? Ok.

I'm not exactly sure what my teddy bear Mike would like but I do have a few things swirrling around in my mind I might be excited to unwrap in 24 or so days. :o)

Washi Tape :

This stuff looks so cool. I have been really getting into reading craft blogs latley (when I'm not slaving away on that durn house!) and I would really love to add this to the few little craft things I've got. Mike doesn't know it yet but I have dreams of turning Our computer/office area into a mini crafting station. Nothing to crazy but a place I can go and create things like scrapbook pages or greeting cards.

Divine Twine:

Divine twine. Bakers Twine. Crafting and baking goodness. I would love a spool (or two!) of these in orange, pink, yellow or whatever suits the buyers fancy! I love all the colors! Also check out the blog Whisker Graphics they show so many cool ways to use this stuff. I love it.

Cupcake Liners

I just love all the cupcake liners at Sweet Estelle's Etsy Shop or really any of her items. I dream of baking delicious carrot cupcakes dressed in these fancy cupcake liners in my new convection oven! I can't wait! Makes me giddy, like I want to go find and enter a bake sale of something. heh heh!

Bag in a bag

So if there is anything in life I love (aside from my sweet Mikey, Mike, Dexter, our house all my friends and family... You get the point) Its purses. But if there is one thing I HATE its digging around for a bazillion million years trying to find something in my purse only to have to empty practically all the contents out before I finally see what I was searching for laying in the bottom corner. And it happens every time  Doesn't matter what I'm looking for, cell phone, pen, wallet YES even my wallet, burts bees, anything It always gets lost in my purses dark abyss. SO, I WANT, NEED have to HAVE this bag in a bag by invite.L Its pretty reasonably priced and a great idea. I would like it in beige please. Thank you. :o)

And last but not least Royal Icing Bottles

I've wanted this set of Royal Icing bottles from Sweet Dani B ever since I saw her on the Martha Stewart Show last valentines day. She made these "love bird" cookies above and I thought it was just soo cool! I don't know if I've ever really had royal icing or if it tastes any good but I've been reading the blog Bake at 350 and she makes a bunch of really cute cookies and seems to only use Royal Icing. So naturally I want to give it a try! :o) If you go to Martha's website you can search for the video and watch them make these adorable little things.

Well its time for me to go and pass our again. My sweet little nugget and I have terrible colds, I almost can't function. Hopefully its short lived, I'm not certain I can deal with it much longer!


1 comment:

  1. MMM....royal icing...Sara made some and said it was good...back when she made the adorable mustache cookies...check out her fb page for the pics. Oh and BTW...I wanna see more pics of the little Mikester and your house!!!! pretty, pretty, please :) :) Miss you guys :)
