Saturday, October 8, 2011

Decisions decisions...

I may or may not be in over my head...


Who would have ever thought picking out a paint color would be this tough?! It started out fun and exciting, I was embarking on a mission to make our house ours! I was getting to paint something, finally after months and months of reading my decorating blogs I was the one picking out the paint colors now not just reading and wishing I was getting to.

But, it all sorta became, well, overwhelming....

Do you know how many paint colors there are out there? And how all of them start looking exactly the same? Mike said that should be an easy solution to my problem, if they all look the same then picking one should be a cinch! HA! He doesn't understand the careful consideration and commitment to picking the perfect paint color. And its stressin me out!

So here's the options. My first pick were colors from the Benjamin Moore collection. I'm in love with a color called sweet spring. Its a beautiful pale green with I would say sage undertones and maybe even a bit of taupe. All the crown molding would be given a liberal coat of BM's Simply White. Then the front and back entry ways would be one of three colors, Hint of Mint, Silver Sage, or Old Prairie. Are ya all with me???? Or did you fall asleep on your keyboards?

Onto the master bedroom! Mike reluctantly agreed to let me paint it yellow. Oh how I've longed for a yellow room somewhere in my house and the master bedroom seemed like the perfect place for such a happy calming color. Now this color must have the most careful consideration of all. It wasn't easy getting ol' Mikeyroo to agree to yellow so I figured that since he turned over full rein to me on the master bedroom (right sweetie?!) I should at least pick a yellow that isn't to abrasive. Its between three colors... Benjamin Moores Hawthorne Yellow, Weston Flax, and Windham Cream.

Example 1:

Ohhh Pottery Barn you sexy devil you! Looking good in Hawthorne Yellow! and those wall organizers!? Dang! 

Example 2:

Benjamin Moore's Weston Flax. Pretty dining room whoever you are! Thanks for letting me use your photo!

Example 3:

Benjamin Moore Windham Cream. Turns out I can't find a picture of this color actually used on someones walls, though I did find someone say this was their favorite color for their kitchen.

So, I'm sure you are all thinking Stephanie, these colors all look EXACTLY THE SAME! But I promise you they don't! The problem is which one to use. If only I had Martha Stewart or Sarah Richardson to help me pick colors. Then surly I would have it done in a snap. And this folks, is only the beginning! I haven't even ventured into what I want to paint the kitchen, but in all honesty anything at this point would be an improvement from where its at now. Have you seen my kitchen!? What I repeat WHAT were they thinking?! But aside from the kitchen I still have to pick colors for the guest bedroom, downstairs bathroom and my sweet baby boy's room. I may just need divine intervention for this undertaking.

Mike convinced me that I shouldn't just stop at wanting Benjamin Moore paint when I could possible find a similar paint color in a different brand that might save us some cash. He's always thinking, save us some extra money so we can get that cute entryway bench and shelf I've been pining over at Pottery Barn! What a sweetheart he is! So off we went to Sherwin Williams, and The Home Depot. Sherwin Williams is WAY to expensive so the only other option in our little town would be Home Depot. They have some decent colors in their Martha Stewart Collection (and we know I love Martha!) that are quite similar to some of the colors I actually love in BM. So I've got a few of her swatches and I'm attempting to make the difficult decision. Especially difficult since Mike has made it absolutely clear that when the paint goes on the wall, it stays. No changin it up after I realize I picked wrong. oh the pressure!!!

Well, I've been looking at colors for far to long, its 1am and I need to be up for church in the morning. I'm off to dream about paint colors and hopefully I will wake up with a clear mind and the answers to one of life's many decisions. What to paint my walls. I should be so luck that this is my only problem.

Till next time!!


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