Saturday, October 8, 2011

Housewarming Gift

Hello everybody! All 5 of you who currently read this :) As most of you know we are in the process of purchasing our very first house! Which we should ALREADY be in, but I digress.... 

Yesterday was the day we were suppose to close but things got messed up and now it looks as though we can't close until next week, Tuesday being the projected day. We were all a little disappointed to say the least. My parents were pretty down about it too saying that they really wanted to see our house and that they had such big plans. A bit later in the day my mom asked me what I wanted to eat for supper, I wasn't sure so I just kept saying "I don't care." Well, my mom just kept on asking me over and over again so finally I just blurted out "I have no idea! Fine, Steaks!" Figuring that if I asked for something as ridiculous as that she might get the hint that I really had NO idea what we should have. She goes, "alright. Steaks it is." So the funny part of the story is they had planned steaks for dinner for us all along, she had them and potatoes and salad already for grilling out tonight as a celebration. What we didn't know was that they had planned to have it all waiting for us at our new house with our housewarming gift....


They were so disappointed we didn't close tonight too because it ruined their plans. But it was still really cool, they had us go help them "haul" something in the garage and they had the grill with a big bow on it waiting for us. This thing is so cool, it has about 4 or 5 different inserts that go into it so you can grill a bunch of different things. The one insert we are most excited about is a pizza stone insert, grilled pizza?! Can I get a yum yum! Its also has a wok, veggie, and chicken stand inserts. We can't wait to get into our new place now and invite our parents over for dinner as a thank you for all they have done. 

Thanks again mommy and daddy!!!!

Off to enjoy this beautiful fall day by finalizing paint colors which Mike is so excited about by the way. ;o) and then we are having a date night; dinner and a movie! 

Hope this was the best Saturday of your lives!


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