Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Operation Destruction!

Hello everyone, thought I would make a quick update before I end up getting completely sidetracked and sucked into something else and don't get around to this! Have I mentioned how crazy my life has been? Working nights I feel like my days are all blending into one another, working at the house and oh yeah, did I actually forget for a moment that I'm also suppose to be planning a wedding in June?! Yes, I suppose I did. In fact I believe I mentioned in my last post I was taking our sweet little pork chop to the doctors, when I called to confirm the appointment they we confused as they informed me my doctor wasn't in the office today. Weird I thought, don't I have an appointment today? No Stephanie, your appointment is for NOVEMBER 17th not OCTOBER 17th which it clearly stated on the card I had looked at at least a dozen times. Lord help me...

I made an addition to my blog. If you look to the right there is a category that lists all the blogs I love love love to read on a daily basis. But I must first make a disclaimer that if you should chose to look at them I am in no way responsible for the consequences as you may never be productive again. I could do nothing but read them all day long, not showering, paying bills, or even feeding my baby just sipping coffee and reading my beloved blogs. You've been warned.

By the way, how cute is this little boy...

He's started making this really funny face when you say smile for the camera. :o) And would you look at those arms?! Still with the marshmallow rolls, oh stop growing up baby, mommy can't take it anymore.

Michael went to town with grandma and grandpa Muntz today and came home wearing these little monster slippers. He just loves them, I guess he put them on after getting them from the store and wore them all the way home, even outside. My mom thought they would be perfect to keep his little tootsies warm this winter since we are going to have some brand spankin new refinished hardwood floors!

Speaking of hardwood floors... Several things went through my mind today as I was yet again painstakingly pulling out staples...

  • who needs hardwood? Carpet is much warmer anyways
  • do you think it would still look just as good if I just painted over the staples???
  • So help whoever put this carpet in! Should we ever meet he better run!
  • Seriously, who really needs hardwood floors?! Aren't they out anyways?!
  • I think my fingers are going to fall off
  • I'm NEVER moving out of this house after this is all said and done!
So again we were there for about 2 hours and we still don't even have the stairs done as far as staples and tack strips go and we have the entire upstairs yet to do. I have to admit that when Mike pulled the carpet out I thought "piece of cake" how hard could pulling staples out of the floor really be anyways? (uhh, hard very very hard) But I do know that in the end, the patient's and care we took will pay off when we can take a step back, admire our new refinished stairs and take pride in knowing it was our hard work, sweat and a few not so ladylike cuss words that got us to the end result. 

We have made a plan though, Operation Destruction. And it is set to commence today and end Sunday night at 10pm. In other words, our goal is to have all the tack strips and staples, yucky floor tiles, and kitchen floor all ripped out and cleaned up by this weekend. Then Monday we will start rebuilding again, wood filling and pudding the holes in the walls, fixing the trim and baseboards and all the other general preparation that needs to be done before we can start on the floors and then start priming. It may be a lofty goal but we have Mike his brother and I all working towards it and I think if we really put our all into it we can get it done. At least the destruction part. 

Tomorrow is RCIA (rite of christian initiation of adults) class with Father Dan and then in the afternoon I have my bi-monthly hair appointment. Now I normally just get my bangs re-cut and have my hair cleaned up a bit, fixing the layers and taking off anything that is scraggly and split. I've also been a bit hesitant to cut my hair as I have a beautiful hairstyle in mind for my wedding and I know that it will require my hair to be a certain longer length. But I have to be honest, I am so sick of my hair I could puke. Puke I tell you puke! Its just gotten to the point where I don't want to do anything with it, I pull it up in a ponytail or just clump it on top my hair to keep it out of my face. It looks terrible. Plain and simple. So, I figured June is quite a ways off, 8 months in fact. So, why couldn't I get my hair cut short and then just let it grow out later? My hair grows fast, and I'm not planning on getting a pixi cut or anything so why not just go for it? I tend to chicken out and play it safe way to often but tomorrow I think I just might go for it! I'll keep you posted.

I've been perusing the web for a new white flower pot for the housewarming gift I recieved from my sister Theresa...

This is called a spider plant. And its the only spider that is welcome in my house!!

I had originally planned to have my plants on my dining room table but I've been decorating my house in my mind and I think I've discovered the absolute perfect place for them! We have a dormer window directly at the top of our stairs that is just filled with light during the day, right now there is a built in countertop that acts as a shelf but I may get rid of that and put this really cute table I own there and use it as a plant area. Wouldn't that be so pretty, come up the stairs and see all those beautiful green plants in their white pots in that little window cubbie? I can't wait!

Aren't these so pretty? I wish I had an IKEA close by, I would buy these in a snap!

And now I would like to leave you with a story. The other day my mom was babysitting our little munckin and as he was playing sweetly beside her in the kitchen she decided to do some chores one of which was unloading the dishwasher. Michael likes to help with that sometimes and my parents let him. Afterward my mom went in the other room for something when she heard him making a ruckus in the kitchen, when she came back this is what she found...

Michael had gotten the dishwasher open and pulled the rack out so he could sit in it! Clearly you can see he thinks he is just so cute, which he is, but that is besides the point! Boys, what are ya gonna do with em! 

I hope that everyone had a wonderful day and I can't wait to update of what happens next in my crazy life!


1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Pretty plant...I need to buy some for my house lol :) BTW that pic of Michael in his slippers....my new background on my computer...it makes me giggle every time I see it :) Miss you guys!!!
