Sunday, October 16, 2011

Quick Update!

Hello!!! Sorry I've been MIA for a few days, I've been working and sleeping and working some more. Mike and I went over to the house tonight to tackle pulling out the staples and tack strips from the carpeting that had covered the majority of our flooring, may its dirty remains rest in peace, and figured we could get it done in a day or so and then get started on refinishing. HA! Oh the fact that we are amateur DIY'ers is flaunted in our faces at every corner. After having been to the house for the better half of 3 hours tonight we hobbled back to my parents with three steps and a closet done. Three steps. Three hours, three steps. If I'm not mistaken that's an hour a step!!! Lord help us in this journey...

One huge thing we did get accomplished today though was ripping out this homemade coat closet that is at the entry way of our back door. There is hardwood floors underneath it and they had just screwed 2x4's into the wall, covered the front with paneling and slapped some metal bi fold doors on the front. I asked my sweet handyman to tear those suckas out so I could put this in its place...

No Mike, I'm not on the Pottery Barn website AGAIN!

Well, I have another LONG workday ahead of me again tomorrow and our sweet little bean has a doctor appointment. Hopefully one of these days I will remember to start taking some before and after pictures! Until the next post have a wonderful day!


1 comment:

  1. You better start taking pics soon! I'm going nuts down here :( Don't make me come up there!!!! :P
